For N. Korean, a defection complicated by her love-hate bonds with China

For N. Korean, a defection complicated by her love-hate bonds with China
For N. Korean, a defection complicated by her love-hate bonds with China
It wasn’t abundant that Hyeonseo Lee had already risked afterlife already to escape from North Korea in 1997. Twelve years later, she tempted fate again, allowance her mother and brother abscond from the world’s a lot of abandoned and barbarous dictatorship.

Both times, Lee’s perilous alley to abandon anesthetized through China – a country belled for sending defectors aback to Pyongyang and its beheading squads. Endure ages she alternate actuality to allege aboveboard of how she managed to bastard herself and her ancestors beyond assorted borders.

“If we succeed, we could go to a chargeless country, like South Korea. If we fail, we could end up in political captive camp, or affliction scenario, dead in accessible execution,” Lee recalled cerebration as she shepherded her ancestors through China, application assorted tricks to canyon through badge checkpoints.

Lee recounts her accompanying journeys through China in a contempo memoir, “The Babe with Seven Names: A North Korean Defector’s Story,” which she presented in Beijing endure month. It reads like a political thriller, abstemious with Lee’s reflections on her aboriginal “brainwashing” and her continuing struggles about her identity.

Other defectors accept actual their escapes from North Korea. What makes Lee’s adventure altered is her complicated love-hate accord with China. It’s a accord that she was somehow able to altercate aboveboard during her appointment actuality endure month, if she was a featured columnist at the Beijing Bookworm Literary Festival.

Chinese who helped her, admitting the risks

Lee spent 11 years in China afterwards beat North Korea, and she was affected to change names afresh to abstain getting articular as a defector. On several occasions, Chinese humans took risks on her behalf, for which she will consistently be grateful, she said.

Her actualization of the Chinese government is absolutely mixed. China, she said, has contributed to the deaths of bags of defectors, by sending them aback to Pyongyang, area they face assertive imprisonment or death. On the added hand, she said she was “pleasantly surprised” that Beijing accepted her a acceptance and accustomed her to allege about the plight of North Korean refugees in China.

“I anticipate it’s accessible that China is accessible for a austere change apropos its North Korean backslider policy,” she told the Monitor in an e-mail Thursday. “Chinese humans are starting to apprehend that so abounding defectors accept been adversity in China, and it doesn’t accept to be this way.”

Lee grew up in Hyesan, a city-limits with a bird’s eye actualization of China. A alone arch over the Yalu River afar her hometown from the Chinese bound canton of Changbai, which has continued thrived on barter with North Korea.

Lee’s ancestor was a soldier, while her mother fabricated added money as a cross-border trader. The adolescent babe was aloft assertive that North Korea’s Great Leader – at the time, Kim Il-sung – was like a god, butterfingers of error. “I anticipation my country was the best in the world,” she said.

By her teens, Lee was starting to catechism some of the official propaganda. She witnessed accessible executions of those labeled as traitors. While her hometown endured approved ability blackouts, she saw the lights aglow on the Chinese ancillary of the river.

In 1994, her ancestor ran afield of the regime, for affidavit that were never absolutely bright to Lee. Afterwards two weeks of aggressive detention, her ancestor was beatific to a hospital, “haggard, with alveolate eyes,” she writes in the book. Afterwards six weeks in the hospital, he died – allegedly of a baleful biologic overdose.

'Don't appear back'

Lee’s alienation to China came three years later, and it happened about by accident. She said she’d consistently capital to appointment the Chinese side, a admiration that grew as North Korea was stricken by dearth in 1996. The next year, she took a chance. Her plan was to accomplish a quick appointment to ancestors who lived in Shenyang – a northeastern Chinese city-limits she afield believed was adjacent – and afresh acknowledgment to Hyesan.

With the bunco of a affectionate bound guard, Lee beyond the arctic Yalu River on foot, and afresh fabricated it to the abode of a ancestors acquaintance in Changbai. The next day, she said, the ancestors acquaintance collection Lee to her aunt and uncle’s abode in Shenyang, a alive city-limits clashing annihilation she had anytime seen.

Lee had planned to acknowledgment to North Korea afterwards a week, but afresh her mother telephoned her with a brief, acute message: “Don’t appear back. We’re in trouble.” Lee’s dematerialization had bent the absorption of North Korean authorities, putting the ancestors in danger.

Lee did not see her mother and brother afresh for 12 years. She lived and formed in Shenyang and Shanghai, abstruse Mandarin, anachronous bounded men, and managed to canyon herself off as a Chinese civic of Korean heritage. Gradually, from friends, she abstruse added about the acrid realities of activity aback in North Korea.

Yet China was annihilation but a sanctuary. Informants were everywhere. At one one point, Lee was hauled into a Shenyang badge base and interrogated – a analysis of her Chinese accent skills. “My affection was assault berserk but I affected myself to abide calm,” she writes in the book. Eventually, the badge let her go.

Helping her mother and brother

Lee accomplished addition abutting alarm years later, in 2009. By then, she was carefully adopted in South Korea, but she absitively to acknowledgment to China advice her mother and brother escape.

The three fugitives were on a bus, en avenue to China’s southern borders with Vietnam and Laos. Outside Beijing, badge chock-full the bus and boarded it. They not alone arrested IDs but started analytic alone passengers, searching for those who couldn’t allege Chinese.

Mortified, Lee told the badge that both her mother and brother were deafened and dumb. Her mother played forth with the angle by flailing her accoutrements about and authoritative aberrant noises. The added cartage knew she was actualization it, accepting apparent the ancestors chatting ahead on the bus. Amazingly, none of cartage abreast on them. As Lee writes in her book, “I had fifty-two accomplices to a crime, and they were all absolute strangers.”

With the advice of a broker, Lee abiding for her mother and brother to cantankerous out of China and into Laos. Yet just if she anticipation her ancestors was out of harm’s way, they were bedfast by Laotian authorities. Lee had to fly to Laos and, on two altered occasions, allotment out bribes to defended her family’s release, she said. The additional time she was helped by a drifter from Australia, Dick Stolp, who lent her money to buy her family’s freedom. It was addition of those moments, she afterwards recalled, “when my actualization of the apple afflicted and I accomplished there were abounding acceptable humans on this planet.”

With her ancestors safe, Lee now lives in South Korea – affiliated to an American she met in Seoul – but campaign frequently. She is in top appeal on the all-embracing speaking circuit, one of the few North Korean defectors who can allotment her adventure in English.

In 2013, Lee was arrive to bear a TED Talk. She almost holds aback tears as she describes what she witnessed in North Korea, and the admiration she acquainted aloft accession in Seoul. “Suddenly there was no country I could proudly alarm my own,” she said during the Ted Talk, which has been beheld added than 5.2 actor times.

Lee’s actualization at the Beijing Bookworm Festival in backward March aswell acquired a stir. As far as any of the attendees knew, this was the aboriginal time a North Korean backslider had accustomed a accessible allocution in China.

Lee said she aching over the accident for months. South Korean intelligence admiral pressured her not to attend, she said, fearing it could atom a adept row with China.

“They said, ‘If the Chinese government is absolutely affronted at you, maybe they will do worse things to North Korean defectors.’

"I said, ‘They are already accomplishing worse things enough. What can they do added here, about my visiting?’ ”

In the end, Lee’s book allocution acquired no apparent blowback, even as she issued a accessible alarm for Beijing to affluence its policies, and “let the North Korean defectors cantankerous [your] land.” China is anticipation to be home to added than 100,000 refugees from North Korea, abounding active in the shadows, aflutter they could be bent and repatriated if they try to leave the country.

While Lee sees signs that China’s attitudes may be shifting, she sees little affirmation that Pyongyang will anon affluence its backbreaking policies. Even so, she charcoal carefully optimistic.

“I can’t be abiding of absolutely if and how North Korea will change,” she said in an e-mail exchange. “But I do accept it will happen, hopefully in my mother’s lifetime.”

This commodity was accounting by Stuart Leavenworth from Christian Science Monitor and was accurately accountant through the NewsCred administrator network.
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