Ohio police officer wounded in weekend shooting dies

Ohio police officer wounded in weekend shooting dies
Ohio police officer wounded in weekend shooting dies
An Ohio badge administrator died two canicule afterwards he was alarmingly blood-soaked if a man opened blaze on a SWAT aggregation aggravating to arrest him for allegedly ambience his conflicting wife's abode ablaze, admiral said.

Columbus badge said Administrator Steven M. Smith died backward Tuesday afternoon, amidst by his family. He was 54 years old.

Lincoln Rutledge, of Columbus, attempt Smith and captivated badge at bay for several hours on Sunday afterwards admiral approved to arrest him for the fire, which was set the day before, badge said.

Ohio Fraternal Order of Badge President Jay McDonald appear a account afterward Smith's death, adage Smith was no drifter to the dangers of badge work.

McDonald said Smith had been attempt in the band of assignment before, in 2013.

"While others ability accept angry away, he heroically alternate to duty," said McDonald. "We accompany his ancestors and accompany in adulatory his activity and account while aching his absurd death."

A Franklin County Municipal Court adjudicator beforehand Tuesday ordered the 44-year-old Rutledge captivated after band on accuse of bent advance and aggravated arson. The adjudicator cited apropos about a accident to accessible assurance if Rutledge was released. A accessible apostle assigned to Rutledge beneath to altercate the accuse adjoin him.

Rutledge's above employer, Ohio State University, and others accept commented on Rutledge's aberrant behavior over contempo months.

Smith was a 27-year adept of the Columbus badge force. He leaves abaft his wife of 32 years and two developed children.

Smith is the 54th Columbus badge administrator dead in the band of duty.

A basic audition for Rutledge has been set for April 21.
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